2017 Canton Liberty Fest - page 14

Page 12
event to pay for hotel rooms for fire
victims who may need the aid before
their insurance coverage starts and
also purchased bikes for disabled chil-
dren in the area last year.
“We also do the Shop With A
Firefighter program at Christmas,” he
said. That program helps ensure that
less fortunate families are able to
have gifts during theholiday season.
The firefighters enlist the aid of
about 20 festival volunteers to be able
to serve the expected 800meals usual-
ly served at the festival.
“We are totally at the mercy of the
weather,” Switzer said. “It is all deter-
mined by weather. One year we
served 1,000 meals, but if it rains or if
it is too hot, then we sell fewer din-
ners. We serve the meals inside the
tent, so people are protected from the
sun and rain, but it would be ideal if
we couldhit about 75 degrees.”
In addition to Rose's Restaurant,
dinner sponsors also include Sysco
Detroit, Mama Mucci's Pasta, Linde
Gas andAbsopure.
This year, diners will be enter-
tained by Taylor Taylor, who will
entertainwithpop guitar and vocals.
The Canton Fire Fighters 2289
Charity Foundation was established
in 1995 as a non-profit organization to
help support Canton charities and
assist in emergency relief efforts along
with other worthwhile causes in the
community. The group also raises
funds for a variety of charities that
providemedical services or research.
All funds raised by the group are
dedicated to charity.
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