Page 4 - 2013 Fall Festival

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“About the only complaint we ever
hear is about the price of the rides,”
Joy said. “What people don't under-
stand is that the carnival pays the
$30,000-$35,000 bill to the city for all the
services they provide. Without that car-
nival, wewouldn't be able to have a fes-
tival. There is no way the civic groups
coulddo it.”
Joy said the involvement of the
Wayne County Sheriff's Auxiliary is
also something he, the board, the
groups and the city appreciated.
“These guys are great. We donate to
their uniform fund and they volunteer
to help us. Every year they come to
support our local police department.
They send about 15 officers who patrol
the booths 24-hours a day, all weekend
to keep the booths safe and help us
clear out the crowds at closing time.
“What used to take us an hour, now
takes only about 15 minutes. Their
presence keeps the business owners
happy and they really support our
local police. These guys are wonderful
toworkwith,” Joy said.
Joy said the one message he would
like to get across to everyone attending
the event is that it is operated com-
pletely by volunteers.
“Nobody, except the carnival, the
ambulance company and the city serv-
ices is getting paid. Nobody. This is a
community event and everybody there
is volunteering their time to try and
make this a great event and earn some
money for groups that put it right back
intohelping the community,” Joy said.
“When you add it all up, including
the Rotary Chicken Barbeque, there
are probably 1,500 volunteers working
at this event. That says a lot about the
community,” Joy said.
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At the helm
The Plymouth Fall Festival
Board of Directors this
year includes Treasurer
President Eric Joy and
Secretary Scott Harris.
The three have been
meeting at least every 6
weeks this year to plan
and coordinate the Fall Festival events and attractions. They also have at
least four regular meetings with all the community groups involved in the
festival, to ensure that the event runs smoothly. The board members will fill
the vacant vice-presidential position soon, helping to share the responsibili-
ties, explained Joy.