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Plymouth Ice Festival
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Festival. “I'm all about keeping every-
thing for the crowds free,” he said.
His other favorite attraction this
year is the return of an expanded Rail
Jam, a snowboarding experience that
will let boarders of all skill levels par-
“On Saturday, if they want to pay
$10, the snowboarders can compete for
cash prizes. But they don't have to pay
to snowboard. They can do all of that
they want at no cost. The $10 charge is
only if they want to vie for the cash
“What better place to host a great
family event like the Plymouth Ice
Festival than the perfect family com-
munity,” Walton said. “Plymouth is a
friendly, clean and safe community. It's
a great place and the perfect spot for
this event.
“Where else is there anything like
Kellogg Park and the downtown shops
and restaurants?' he said.
“This event is a huge boost to busi-
ness in Plymouth in a normally slow
time of year. The economic impact of
the event is estimated in themillions of
dollars - it's really a help to the area
economically. And it gives people
something to do outside in the winter
air. After the holidays, people can get a
bit stir-crazy,” he said.
If hewere coming to the festival as a
visitor, Walton said another thing he
wouldn't want to miss is the chainsaw
carving competition planned for the
main stage in Kellogg Park at 7 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 19.
“People can see the Dueling
Chainsaws Speed Carving show
Saturday night. It is a ton of fun, and
really an amazing experience to see
these creations made right in front of
your eyes,” Walton said. “Imagine
yelling out an idea for a sculpture, and
being able to see it take shape right in
front of you. All within 5minutes.”
from page 1
Sam Walton