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December 10 – 16, 2020                                  NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 50                                                                                    www

               THE BELLEVILLE          Canton joins Click It or Ticket campaign

               Vol. 135, No. 50           Canton Township Police                                                                   Michigan law requires all
            Rotary Club of Belleville  Chief Chad Baugh wants to save                           ”                                drivers and front seat passen-
          members have been busy       lives this holiday season.                    In 2019, 9,466 unbuckled                    gers to be buckled up. It also
          with local projects through-    That effort includes a caution             motorists died in crashes                   requires passengers age 8-15 to
          out the community as the     to motorists, warning them they                                                           be buckled in any seating posi-
          holidays approach.           better buckle up in Canton                       in the United States.                    tion.
                          See page 6.  where enforcement of the                                                                    Children must be in a car
                                       Michigan seat belt law is being                                                           seat or booster seat until they
                                       strictly enforced.            ment zone” signs alert motorists  said.                     are 8 years old or 4-feet, 9-inches
                  THE CANTON              According to Baugh, the    they are entering an enforce-   “In 2019, 9,466 unbuckled   tall, whichever comes first. In
             EAGLE                     Canton department has again   ment area. One officer will serve  motorists died in crashes in the  addition, children younger than
                                                                     as a spotter, radioing unbelted
                                       joined forces with law enforce-
                                                                                                                                 age 4 must ride in the back seat
                                                                                                   United States. We have learned
               Vol. 73, No. 50         ment agencies across Michigan  motorist information to other  from the Michigan Office of  if the vehicle has a back seat,
                                       in enforcing the national Click It  officers who will pull over the  Safety Planning buckling our  unless all rear seating positions
            Canton Township resi-      or Ticket campaign.           offending motorists, Baugh    belts can reduce the risk of  are filled with children younger
          dents joined an international   Safety belt enforcement    explained.                    injury or death by 45 percent.  than age 4.
          demonstration protesting     zones are conducted on Canton    “We continue to participate  Please wear your safety belts; it  Federal traffic safety funds
          new laws imposed by the      roadways where crash problems  in the state and national cam-  only takes a few seconds and  support the Click It or Ticket
          Indian government restrict-  are prevalent or belt use is low.  paign to encourage the motoring  helps keep you and your family  enforcement efforts by local
          ing the rights of farmers.   Portable “safety belt enforce-  public to wear seat belts,” Baugh  safe,” Baugh added.    police agencies.
                          See page 2.

                THE INKSTER
          LEDGER STAR
          LEDGER STAR
               Vol. 73, No. 50
            Police are continuing the
          investigation into a shooting
          incident at an Inkster motel
          last Saturday that left two
          people wounded.
                          See page 2.

                  THE NORTHVILLE
               Vol. 20, No. 50
            Salem Hills Golf Club will
          be open next spring no mat-
          ter the status of the pending
          sale of the 6,992-yard, par-72
                          See page 5.

                  THE PLYMOUTH
             EAGLE                     First Step, stepping up
               Vol. 20, No. 50
            Overcoming severe obsta-   Pandemic, holiday stress can lead to increase in domestic abuse
          cles is nothing unusual for
          the five men honored by the                   Julie Brown  lence and sexual assaults, and  "Already our numbers are    know we're here to help peo-
          members of the Plymouth                     Special Writer  operates an in-person shelter.  pretty high."              ple work through issues.
          Noon Rotary Club last week.                                That's remained open in the     "For children, it's a very  Please call the police depart-
                          See page 5.     The COVID-19 pandemic      pandemic with additional      scary time right now," she said,  ment" if there's a crime or a
                                       and holiday season can make   health/safety protocols, and  in part without the "safe     heated argument.
                                       for troublesome times as the  the phone help line of (734)  adults" at schools not assessing  "That's what we're here to
                                       stress of both impacts families  722-6800 is staffed around the  children who are abuse vic-  do," Shulman, a 13-year
                   THE ROMULUS         throughout the area.          clock.                        tims. She's seen some abusers  Canton police veteran, said of
             ROMAN                        "Just because there's a pan-  "It also leads to lack of  use the threat of exposure to  resolving problems by assess-
               Vol. 135, No. 50        demic doesn't mean domestic   resources or time to contact an  COVID-19 for power and as a  ing situations.
                                       violence isn't happening," said  agency like ours," she said of  means of manipulating.     Buchanan-Cronk, on the
            The Romulus Library is     Audriana Buchanan-Cronk,      the pandemic.                   Sgt. Adam Shulman of the    staff at First Step for about
          now offering contact-free    community engagement and         She doesn't have specific  Canton Police Department      four years, explained that the
          services including computer  volunteer program coordina-   COVID-19 data but has seen    notes, "We have a very good   current situation impacts ways
          use by appointment and       tor for First Step. "Home isn't  frequency of abuse now on the  working relationship with  to implement cooling off
          quick business tasks like fax-  always a safe place for every-  rise, along with use of  First Step." The agency for-  strategies when conflicts occur
          ing and copying.             one."                         weapons. First Step assists   merly operated an office at the  in families.
                          See page 4.     First Step was founded in  some 8,000 people a year with  Canton police station, he
                                       1978 to address domestic vio-  Buchanan-Cronk     noting,   added, emphasizing "Just                See Abuse, page 2

                  THE WAYNE            Westland OKs new 10-year trash hauling contract
             EAGLE                        There is a big change coming                                                           Paul would still be able to man-
               Vol. 73, No. 50         to Westland beginning Jan. 1, but                 When you have a                         age the Westland account,” Wild
            Members of the Wayne City  officials are confident residents                                                         said. “So, at the end of the day,
          Council agreed last week to an  won't notice.                             52-year relationship, there's                Paul will be part of Priority and
                                                                                                                                 will still be managing the
                                          A new refuse contract was
          extension of outdoor dining  approved by members of the city              a loyalty to that community.                 Westland account. That made
          permits for local restaurants  council during their regular                                                            everybody comfortable with the
          through March 3.             meeting last week, replacing the  Midwest Sanitation which has  waste hauling account.    arrangement.”
                          See page 6.
                                       vendor that has served the city  served the city since 1968 under  “When you have a 52-year  Wild said that residents
                                       for more than 50 years. The new  various corporate names.   relationship, there's a loyalty to  should not experience any
                                       10-year contract was awarded to  Midwest had another four years  that community,” he said. “The  change in service or trash pick-
                  THE WESTLAND         the lowest bidder, Priority Waste  on a current contract with  city has supported the     up schedules.
             EAGLE                     based in Clinton Township at a  Westland, but will voluntarily  Ruthenberg family for many,  “People will still use the

               Vol. 73, No. 50         cost of $38,449,174. Priority  allow that to lapse to allow for  many years. So, the loyalty  same garbage cans that they
                                                                                                                                 have, the garbage will still go to
                                                                                                   aspect of it is very strong with
                                       Waste will purchase the city-
            It is a real “sign of the  owned garbage trucks at a price  Ruthenberg, president of   my family. What ultimately hap-  the landfill in Van Buren
          times” in Westland with the  of $1.6 million, the highest bid  Midwestern Sanitation, said the  pened is what's in the best inter-  Township, recycling will still get
          recent installation of 10 addi-  on the vehicles. That price will  company thought it best to bow  est for the City of Westland and  picked up on the same days and
          tional speed radar signs     pay off the existing debt on the  out gracefully of the contract to  its residents.”      routes still aren't going to
          throughout the city.         trucks, according to city officials.  benefit the city. Ruthenberg will  “It looks like there's going to  change. People shouldn't see
                          See page 3.     Priority Waste will replace  continue to manage the city  be a working relationship where  any difference.”
                                                             For home delivery of The Eagle call 734-467-1900.
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