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September 12, 2013
Calendar of events
Car raffle under way
The Belleville Area Chamber of
Commerce is sponsoring a drawing
for a 24-month lease on a 2014 Ford
Focus. Mileage allowedwill be 10,500
per year.
The drawing will take place at the
Winterfest, on Saturday, Dec. 7.
Ticket cost is $20 each and only 1,000
tickets will be sold. Odds of winning
are better than winning the lottery,
according to chamber representa-
Tickets can now be purchased
through the Belleville Area Chamber
of Commerce, (734) 697-7151 to pur-
chase tickets.
The office is located at 248 Main
St. inBelleville.
Raffle tickets aid shelter
Jake's Auto and Truck Repair has
donated a 2013 Del Ray scooter
which is being raffled off to help fund
theRomulus Animal Shelter.
Tickets are $5 each or three for
$10 and are available at both Jake's
locations, 36766 Goddard Road and
12003 S. Huron River Dr, at the
Romulus Animal Shelter and from
City CouncilmanWilliamWadsworth.
The drawing will take place dur-
ing the Romulus Downtown
Development Authority Pumpkin
Festival at 5 p.m. Sept. 22 on the
Entertainment Stage.
For more information, contact
Wadsworth at (734) 955-5960.
Tai Chi students sought
The Wayne Senior Services
Department is seeking beginning stu-
dents for a Tai Chi class which takes
place from 9-10 a.m. Tuesdays at the
WayneCommunity Center.
The session continues for 10
weeks and is priced at $65.
For more information, call (734)
Classes will begin in mid
September if there is a minimum of
eight students.
Church plansweekend revival
Faithway Ministries will host
Bishop Rance Allen as the guest
evangelist at revival this weekend,
Sept. 11-13. Allen is the pastor of New
Bethel Bountiful Blessings in Toledo,
OH and is the presiding prelate of
the Michigan Northwest Harvest
Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the
Churches of God inChrist.
Meetings will begin at 7 p.m. all
three days.
Faithway Ministries is located at
3100 Harrison, two blocks south of
Michigan Avenue in Inkster. Host
pastor for the revival is Bishop
BennieL. Oliphant.
For additional information call
the church office 734-467-8668
Community Art Showplanned
The Belleville Area Council for
the Arts will sponsor the annual
Community Art Show from noon
until 7 p.m. Sept. 13 and from 10 a.m.
until 6 p.m. Sept. 14 at St. Anthony's
CatholicChurch gymnasium.
This is a non-juried show open to
all artists and all media. Three cate-
gories for entries are ages 6-12, ages
13-17 and 18 and older. There is a $10
entry fee for artists. Admission to the
event is free and baked goods will be
available for purchase.
For an entry form or more infor-
Radio air show takes off
The Flying Pilgrims Model
Airplane Club will sponsor the 30th
Annual Fall Phase Out For Fun Air
Show from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Sept.
14 and 15 at the Geddes Road and
RidgeRoad field.
The event includes food conces-
sions, a Saturday night pizza party for
pilots, camping on site and a 40 by
500 foot runway for warbirds and jet
The show is AMA sanctioned and
will followIMAAguidelines.
For more information, contact
Jack Kezelian, treasurer@flyingpil-
grims.comor (734) 207-3626.
Church to give away clothes
Middlebelt Baptist Church mem-
bers will host a free clothing give
away from9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Sept. 14.
The church is located at 943
Middlebelt Road in Inkster.
There will be items for children,
men andwomen available along with
some household and other items.
For more information, call (734)
Kids Safety Day set
The Oakwood Canton Emergency
Room is planning at Kids Safety Day
from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Sept 14 in
the parking lot of Oakwood Canton
Emergency Room at 7300 North
Planned are special appearances
by Sparky the Dog, Scruffy McGruff,
the Wayne County Sheriff mounted
patrol, Canton Fire Department,
CantonPolice, OakwoodK-9 Security,
Survival Flight, Oakwood Sports
Medicine, Canton Public Schools
bus, Oakwood Healthcare Center
physicians andmuchmore.
The event is free and no pre-regis-
tration is required.
Young actors sought
The Plymouth Uptown Players
Youth Theater open auditions will
take place from 1-5 p.m. Sept. 15 at
the Plymouth Community Arts
Council building.
Children in grades kindergarten
through second grade will audition
from 1-1:45 p.m.; those in grade three
through five will audition from 2-2:45
p.m. and from 3:30 until 5 p.m. stu-
dents in grades six through eight will
Actors should come prepared to
read (script allowed) a short three to
four sentence monologue for the
director. The program is a coopera-
tive venture with seasonal director
and staff from Tipping Point Theatre
in Northville. The director this sea-
sonwill beDanaNaughton.
All actors are guaranteed a part
in the production which will take
place at Tipping Point Theatre on
Cady Street in downtown Northville
onDec. 13 and 14.
Season cost, is $150 per actor.
Second actor in the same family will
pay $135. A $30 student membership
is required for all participants.
Families may register on audition
day, or in advance by phone or in per-
To register or for more informa-
tion, call (734) 416-4278.
PENN-Taste-Tic crawl planned
The Plymouth Community
Chamber of Commerce, in a joint
effort with the Friends of the Penn,
are organizing the annual PENN-
Taste-Tic Downtown Plymouth
Restaurant Crawl from 5-8 p.m. on
Tuesday, Sept. 17 Crawlers can walk
around downtown Plymouth enjoy-
ing delicious samples and treats from
many of their favorite Plymouth
This year, participants include:
Cupcake Station; E.G. Nicks; Greek
Islands; Ironwood Grill; Jay's Stuffed
Burgers; Kilwin's; Nico & Vali;
Panach 447; Sardine Room; Sweet
Afton Tea Room; Yogurt Palooza and
Attendees will get a chance to vote
for their favorite taste and restau-
Tickets must be purchased in
advance and are available at the
Plymouth Community Chamber of
Commerce, 850 W. Ann Arbor Trail
and Sun & Snow 388 S. Main St. in
Adult tickets are $20 each, and
children 10 and younger are $15. All
proceeds to benefit theFriends of the
Penn and the Chamber of
For more information visit
DiamondAwardwinner honored
Ed McMurray, the founder and
leader of the Friends group in
Wayne, will be honored with the 2013
Diamond of the Community award at
a dinner at 6 p.m. Sept. 17 at the
WayneCommunity Center.
McMurray is the 19th recipient of
the award presented by the Wayne
Commission on Aging and Senior
Services. The award is presented to a
resident 70 or older who continues to
volunteer throughout the Wayne
McMurray will receive an
engraved plaque along with a $75
cash award. He will also be present-
ed with a city resolution by Mayor Al
Haidous at an upcoming meeting of
theWayneCity Council.
Tickets for the dinner are $15 and
can be purchased at the Wayne
Senior Service office, located in the
Community Center throughSept. 9.
The award program is also spon-
sored byWayne Dairy Queen and the
Jack's Sport Center.
Commissioner to speak
Wayne County Commissioner
Kevin McNamara will be the guest
speaker at the Greater Romulus
Chamber of Commerce luncheon
meeting Sept. 17 at the Holiday Inn
Registration will begin at 11:30
and lunch will be served at noon.
Tickets are $15 for chamber mem-
bers and $20 for non-members and
are available by calling the chamber,
(734) 893-0694.
The hotel is located at 8400
MerrimanRoad inRomulus.
Butterfly photography is topic
Butterfly photography will be the
topic of Cindy Olezkowicz, a profes-
sional photographer at the Southeast
Michigan Butterfly Association meet-
ing at 7 p.m. Sept. 21 at Nankin Mills,
33175AnnArbor Trail,Westland.
The event is free for club mem-
berswith a $3 fee for notmembers.
More information is available at
(734) 223-5510 or www.sembabutter-
Bingowill aid shelter
Bingo games during the annual
Romulus DDA Pumpkin Festival will
help fund operations at the Romulus
Animal Shelter.
The bingo games will take place
from 6 p.m. until 11 p.m. on Friday,
Sept. 20, from 2-ll p.m. on Saturday,
Sept. 21 and from 1-7 p.m. on Sunday,
Sept. 22.
The games will be at the Romulus
Senior Center, 36525 Bibbins Road in
All the proceeds of the games will
be used to pay constructions costs for
the newcityAnimal Shelter.
For more information, contact the
senior center at (734) 955-4140,
Councilman Bill Wadsworth, (734)
941-0616 or JoeOzog, (734) 941-3466.