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June 30 – July 1, 2022                                  NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

          No. 25                                                                                   www

               THE BELLEVILLE          Township board members appoint new trustee

              Vol. 137,  No. 25           During a contentious session                                                           Wayne 11th Republican D.dis-
            The long-planned sale of   last week, members of the                                ”                                trict Committee, claiming that
          eight parcels of Sumpter     Plymouth Township Board of                  Some contentious and divisive                 he could be influential in nam-
          Township owned land was      Trustees named Jennifer                         rhetoric accompanied                      ing a party candidate should the
          approved by the board of     Buckley to fill the vacant term                                                           issue be part of an election.
          trustees during their regular  on the board.                                the hour-long discussion                   Township Clerk Jerry Vorva was
          meeting June 14 meeting.        The term has been vacant                                                               adamant that Curmi's participa-
                          See page 4.  since May 10 when former                                                                  tion in the district committee
                                       Trustee Bob Doroshewitz was   candidate for the appointment.  not immediately move the cur-  was a conflict, a claim that
                                       named as the new township        During a special meeting   rent trustees' votes, however,  Curmi vehemently denied.
                  THE CANTON           treasurer, replacing Mark     called by Supervisor Kurt Heise  with two board members solidly  Repeated votes continued to
             EAGLE                     Clinton, who resigned his posi-  June 21, board members were  supporting each of the three  see no clear majority for the
               Vol. 75,  No. 25        tion due to health concerns.  reminded that the 45-day state-  candidates as they had during a  appointment with Curmi contin-
                                                                                                   previous meeting.
                                                                                                                                 uing to support Callahan.
                                       Since that time, board members
                                                                     imposed deadline for the
            Two Canton township        have accepted letters of interest  appointment was set to expire  Some contentious and divi-  Following extensive and some-
          Police officers were recent-  from potential candidates and  June 24 and that if they did not  sive rhetoric accompanied the  times heated discussion, the
          ly honored by MADD           met to discuss the appointment  come to a consensus, the state  hour-long discussion with Heise  trustees eventually voted 4-2 to
          (Mothers Against Drunk       to Doroshewitz' incomplete    could require an election for the  telling the trustees that the  appoint Buckley to the term.
          Driving) for their efforts to  term which will expire in 2024.  seat. In that situation, members  meeting would continue until  Trustees John Stewart and
          keep impaired officers off   Three candidates, Buckley, Gail  of each state district political  they came to an agreement on a  Doroshewitz continued their
          the streets.                 Grieger and Dan Callahan, all  committee would nominate a   candidate.                    support for Geiger casting the
                         See page 2.   Republicans, each were favored  candidate, one Republican and  Board members addressed    two negative votes.
                                       by separate members of the    one Democrat, to vie for the  conflict of interest concerns    Buckley was immediately
                                       board who previously failed to  term during a general election.  regarding Trustee Chuck  sworn into office and took a seat
                THE INKSTER            come to a majority vote on a     The impending deadline did  Curmi's involvement with the  at the board table.
          LEDGER STAR
          LEDGER STAR
               Vol. 75,  No. 25
             Inkster City Clerk Verna
          Chapman is urging residents
          to ensure they are registered
          to vote in the upcoming pri-
          mary and general election in
          the city.
                          See page 3.

                  THE NORTHVILLE

               Vol. 22,  No. 25
            Developers of the former
          Foundry Flask building
          were granted brownfield sta-
          tus at a recent meeting of the
          Brownfield Redevelopment
          Authority in Northville.
                          See page 2.

                  THE PLYMOUTH

               Vol. 22,  No. 25
            Bill Brown of Plymouth
          turned 101 years old June 13
          and celebrated his very spe-
          cial day with a party at
          Independence Village of      Independence Day
                          See page 6.
                                       Annual patriotic parade set to march through downtown Northville

                   THE ROMULUS
             ROMAN                     until 10 a.m. July 4, but in  the marchers and floats resi-  new job in February said he was  responsibility for the parade a
                                          The parade may not start
                                                                     dents have come to expect
                                                                                                                                 few years ago after the
                                                                                                   a bit surprised at the popularity
              Vol. 137,  No. 25        Northville, the celebration   including Lady Liberty, the fire  and tradition of the event.  Northville    Community
            The scoreboard may have    begins much earlier in the morn-  trucks and public safety equip-  “People literally start mark-  Foundation was no longer able
          indicated their defeat, but  ing as crowds line the streets  ment along with many public  ing their spots and setting up  to continue to manage the event.
          the Romulus Police and Fire  waiting for the bands, floats and  officials in special vehicles. The  picnics the night before,” he  Wallace admitted the parade
          department players count     community groups to march past  tooth fairy will be there, too,  said. Participation this year is  and all the exhibits and floats
          the latest fundraising effort  celebrating the national holiday.  along with several other tradi-  increasing and Wallace said he  was time consuming, but said he
          as a big win.                   The parade, organized by the  tional marchers and floats.  is sure the event will be as enter-  was confident the event would
                          See page 3.  Northville    Chamber     of  Chamber Executive Director    taining as it has been in the past.  be a success.
                                       Commerce, will include many of  Doug Wallace who began his  The chamber only assumed         More than 40 marchers had
                                                                                                                                 confirmed their appearance in
                  THE WAYNE                                                                                                      the event earlier this month and
             EAGLE                                                                                                               Wallace said he expected many
                                                                                                                                 others to join in the celebration.
               Vol. 75,  No. 25                                                                                                  His goal, he said, was to make
            The man accused in the                                                                                               the parade longer than last year
          Jan. 5 murder of two women in                                                                                          when it was limited by the pan-
                                                                                                                                 demic and more enjoyable for
          Wayne has been arrested in                                                                                             the public.
          Arkansas, according to police.                                                                                            “I can't wait to see it for
                          See page 5.
                                                                                                                                 myself and be a part of it,”
                                                                                                                                 Wallace said.
                                                                                                                                    Immediately following the
                  THE WESTLAND                                                                                                   parade one of the historic treas-
             EAGLE                                                                                                               ures in the community will cele-

               Vol. 75,  No. 25                                                                                                  brate the 246th birthday of the
                                                                                                                                 country with special events from
            Members of the Westland                                                                                              11 until 3 p.m.
          City Council have allocated                                                                                               Mill Race Village, located at
          $8 million in American                                                                                                 215 Griswold St. in Northville
          Recovery Act Plan funds                                                                                                will host Citizens of the
          toward construction of a new                                                                                           American Colonies reenactors
          city community center.
                          See page 5.                                                                                                      See Parade, page 2

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