The Eagle 04 02 15 - page 3

April 2, 2015
Charter Township of Canton
Board Proceedings –March 24, 2015
A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton was held Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 1150 Canton
Center S., Canton, Michigan. Supervisor LaJoy called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. Motion by Bennett, supported by
McLaughlin to move from open session to closed session at 6:04 p.m. to discuss pending litigation. Motion carried by all mem-
bers present.
Roll Call
Members Present: Bennett, LaJoy, McLaughlin, Sneideman, Williams. Members Absent: Anthony, Yack .
Staff Present: Director Bilbrey-Honsowetz, Director Mutchler, Director Trumbull, Kristin Kolb. Guest Present: James R. Acho,
Esq., of Cummings, McClorey, Davis, & Acho, P.L.C. 33900 Schoolcraft Road, Livonia, MI 48150.
6:04 P.M.: CLOSED SES-
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to move from closed session to
open session at 7:00 p.m. where pending litigation was discussed. Motion carried by all members present. Supervisor LaJoy
reconvened the Open Meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call
: Members Present: Bennett,
LaJoy, McLaughlin, Williams, Sneideman Members Absent: Anthony, Yack Staff Present: Director Bilbrey-Honsowetz, Director
Faas, Director Mutchler, Director Trumbull, Kristin Kolb, Kristen Thomas
Adoption of Agenda
Motion by Bennett, supported by
McLaughlin to amend the agenda to remove General Calendar Item G-6 Consider Approval of the Final Site Plan for Links Estates
Condominiums and replace it with pending litigation action from closed session. Motion carried by all members present.
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve the Board Minutes of February 24, 2015 as present-
ed. Motion carried by all members present.
Citizen’s Non-Agenda Item Comments:
George Miller, 1946 Briarfield, asked the
townships plans for the Mung Dump since it was purchased. Director Faas explained the former Mung Dump is currently being
used as an access road for development work at the Sauk Trail Hills Landfill. Mr. Miller asked if there are future plans for this
when the project is completed. Supervisor LaJoy explained not at this time. Katie Campbell from Congressman Dave Trott’s
office introduced herself. She explained, as Representative Trott’s staff member, she will be attending Canton Township Board
meetings quarterly. She will also be attending several Library board meetings. She extended an offer to assist Canton Residents
with any concerns they might have within the scope of his office.
Payment of Bills
Motion by McLaughlin, supported by
Sneideman to approve payment of the bills as presented. Motion carried by all members present.
Public Hearing for the 2015 Sidewalk Repair Program
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to open the Public Hearing
to hear comments on the necessity of sidewalk repairs pursuant to the Township Sidewalk Ordinance, Sidewalk Repair Program
Policy and as provided in Public Act 80 of the Public Acts of 1989 at 7:05 p.m. Motion carried by all members present. There was
no Public Comment made at the Public Hearing. Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to close the Public Hearing on the
necessity of sidewalk repairs to the Township Sidewalk Ordinance, Sidewalk Repair Program Policy and as provided in Public Act
80 of the Public Acts of 1989 at 7:07 p.m. Motion carried by all members present. Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin
to adopt the following resolution requiring replacement of sidewalks in Canton Township. Motion carried by all members pres-
Sidewalk Repair Program Parcel List
Motion by Bennett supported by McLaughlin to adopt the replacement of sidewalks pur-
suant to the Township Sidewalk Ordinance and Sidewalk Repair Program Policy Provided in Public Act 80 of the Public Acts of
1989 in Forest Trails, Hampton Court, Hampton Court West, Mayfair Village #1 & #2, Windsor Park #1 - #7 and Miscellaneous
locations as indicated on the attached list and published in the Canton Eagle on March 5 & March 19, 2015._____Terry G. Bennett,
Canton Township Clerk
CONSENT CALENDAR: Item C-1. Appointment To Downtown Development Authority Board.
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve the Canton Township Board of Trustees appointment of Tawuann
Gray to serve on the Board of Directors of the Downtown Development Authority of the Charter Township of Canton for a four-
year term ending March 24, 2019. Motion carried by all members present.
Item C-2. Appointment to Planning Commission
Board. (Supv)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve the Canton Township Board of Trustees appoint Julia
Perkins to serve on the Planning Commission for a three–year term which will expire on December 31, 2017. Motion carried by
all members present.
Item C-3.Re-Appointments to the Historic District Commission. (Clerk)
Motion by Bennett, supported
by Williams to approve the Township Supervisor’s recommendation for reappointment of Terry Bennett and Katherine Martin to
the Canton Historic District Commission for three year terms effective through April 30, 2018. Motion carried by all members
Item C-4.Set Public Hearing Date for Fraza Forklifts (GB Sales and Service, Inc.) Industrial Facilities Exemption
Certificate. (Supv)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams set the public hearing for April 28, 2015, to consider the Industrial
Facilities Exemption application of Fraza Forklifts for new real and personal property at their facility located at 6865 Commerce
Drive. Motion carried by all members present.
Item C-5. Set Public Hearing Date for G-TAC Industrial Facilities Exemption
Certificate. (Supv)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to set the public hearing for April 28, 2015, to consider the
Industrial Facilities Exemption application of G-TAC for new real and personal property at their facility located at 7075
Commerce Drive. Motion carried by all members present.
Item C-6. Consider 6 Month Extension to the Approval of the
Tentative Preliminary Plat for Sheldon Estates Subdivision. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve of
another 6 month extension for the approval of the tentative preliminary plat for Sheldon Estates Subdivision to be located on
Sheldon Road between Palmer and Cherry Hill Roads on tax EDP No. 085-99-0005-701, until October 23, 2015. Motion carried
by all members present.
Item C-7.Consider Purchase Order Amendment for 2015 Tree Maintenance Contract. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to amend Purchase order No. 2015-00000547 for the 2015 Tree Maintenance Program
to Crimboli Nursery for a not to exceed amount of $13,000. Motion carried by all members present.
Item C-8. Resolution
Declaring April Fair Housing Month. (Supv)
Motion by Bennett, Supported by Williams to adopt the following resolution des-
ignating the Month of April as “Fair Housing Month” in Canton Township. Motion carried by all members present.
“Fair Housing Month” in Canton Township WHEREAS,
the year 2015 marks the 47th anniversary of the passage of the
Federal Fair Housing Act: Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended; and
this law guarantees that hous-
ing throughout the United States should be made available to all citizens without regard to race, color, religion, sex, family status,
disability or national origin; and
equality of opportunity for all is a fundamental policy of this nation, state and town-
ship; and
barriers which diminish the rights and limit the options of any citizen will ultimately diminish the rights
of all citizens.
that the Charter Township of Canton Board of Trustees designates the
month of April 2015 as “Fair Housing Month” in Canton Township. We encourage the residents of our community to join in this
observance. Date: March 24, 2015 Philip J. LaJoy, Canton Supervisor
Item C-9 2015 Dust Control Program for Local Gravel
Roads. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to award a contract to Bay Dust Control Division of Liquid Calcium
Chloride Sales, Inc. to provide Canton’s 2015 dust control program for an amount not to exceed $16,000. Motion carried by all
members present.
GENERALCALENDAR: Item G-1.Consider Approval of Budget Amendments for 2015 Sidewalk Repair
Program. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to amend the budget to cover the 2015 neighborhood replacement
for the sidewalk repair program by increasing the budget for Maintenance & Repairs of Sidewalks, account # 101-447-
03.930_0050 to $353,521 and increasing Fees-Sidewalk Replacement account #101-000.626 to $353,521. Motion carried by all
members present.
Item G-2 Consider Extending the Contract with the Mannik & Smith Group, Inc. for Inspection Services
for the 2015 Sidewalk Repair Program and Approve a Budget Amendment. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by
McLaughlin to transfer funds from the General Fund, Engineering account (Utilities Inspector Labor account 101-447-
50.705_0010) to the Engineering, Right-of-Way (ROW) Professional and Contractual Services account (101-447-03.801_0050)
in the amount of $40,339.20. Motion carried by all members present. Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to award a con-
tract under our Master Services Agreement for the 2015 Sidewalk Repair Program Inspection Services to the Mannik & Smith
Group, Inc. based on a not-to-exceed amount of $40,339.20 from the Engineering, Right-of-Way (ROW) Professional and
Contractual Services account (101-447-03.801_0050) in the amount of $40,339.20. Motion carried by all members present.
G-3.Consider Approval Of A Quit Claim Deed To Extinguish A Right Of Reverter Held By The Township For Property
Owned By Connection Church. (Supv)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to authorize the Township Supervisor and
Clerk to sign a Quit Claim Deed returning to Connection Church the Township’s reverter right in the property located adjacent to
the church at 3855 Sheldon Road, being parcel no. 71-108-99-0001-701. Motion carried by all members present.
Item G-
4.Consider Final Approval of the Antioch Connection PDD Agreement and Site Plan for Antioch Senior Housing, includ-
ing Approval of the Private Road. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to adopt the following resolution giv-
ing final approval of the Antioch Connection Senior Housing PDDAgreement and Site Plan. Motion carried by all members pres-
Connection Senior Housing PDD Agreement and Site Plan WHEREAS,
the Project Sponsor has requested final approval for
the Antioch Connection Planned Development and the site plan for an assisted living facility, located east of Sheldon between
Palmer Road and Michigan Avenue on a portion of parcel 108-99-0001-706; and,
the Planning Commission voted
to recommend final approval of the PDD and the site plan for the facility and private road based on the findings that the proposed
development plan is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan; and,
the Board has
reviewed the planned development and site plan and determines the proposal to be consistent with the Zoning Ordinance regula-
tions and development objectives subject to the conditions outlined in the Planning Commission recommendation and recom-
mendations attached hereto and made a part hereof.
the Board of Trustees of the
Charter Township of Canton, Michigan does hereby grant final approval of the PDD and site plan for the Antioch Connection
Assisted Living Facility and private road, as the proposal provides needed housing and care opportunities for Canton’s senior cit-
izens and increases the tax base of the township on property that would be otherwise tax-exempt; subject to all other applicable
requirements of the township.
Item G-5. Consider Approval of the Site Plan for Black Rock Restaurant. (MSD)
Motion by
Bennett, supported by Williams to adopt the following resolution approving the Site Plan for Black Rock Restaurant. Motion car-
ried by all members present.
of the Site Plan for Black Rock Restaurant WHEREAS,
the Project Sponsor has requested site plan approval for Black Rock
Restaurant located on south side of Ford Road between Haggerty and Lilley Roads on tax parcel no. 053-99-0003-001; and,
the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the site plan based on the findings that the proposed
development plan is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive plan and zoning regulations; and,
the Board has reviewed the request for site plan approval and determines the proposal to be consistent with the Zoning
Ordinance regulations and development objectives subject to the conditions described in the analysis and Planning Commission
the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton,
Michigan does hereby approve the Site Plan for Black Rock Restaurant compliance with any conditions contained herein and all
other regulations of the Township.
Item G-6. Removed original Item G-6 Consider Approval of the Final Site Plan for Links
Estates Condominiums. Replaced with: Consideration of Board Action on Attorney’s Recommendation Regarding
Pending Litigation
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve, in the matter of John Wood v Canton Township pend-
ing in 35 th District Court, the proposed settlement with the Plaintiff, and further authorize the Township Supervisor to sign any
documents necessary to effect resolution of this pending lawsuit on behalf of Canton Township. Motion carried by all members
Item G-7. Consider Site Plan Approval for Panera Bread Michigan Avenue. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported
by Williams to adopt the following resolution for the Site Plan for Panera Bread. Motion carried by all members present.
the Project Sponsor, Mr. Patrick Bennett, has requested site plan approval for Panera Bread to be located on Michigan Avenue
between Beck and Belleville Roads, identified as tax EDP # 132-99-0002-002; and,
the Planning Commission
reviewed the site plan and made a recommendation to approve the request to grant site plan approval, as summarized in the
attached written analysis and recommendation.
the Board of Trustees of the Charter
Township of Canton, Michigan does hereby approve the request of the petitioner, Mr. Patrick Bennett, to approve the site plan for
the proposed Panera Bread subject to any and all state and local development regulations and further subject to any conditions rec-
ommended by the Planning Commission and staff, as described in the analysis and recommendation attached hereto and made a
part hereof.
Item G-8. Consider First Reading of an Amendment to Appendix A of the Code of Ordinances for the
TDM/Canton Township Rezoning. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to introduce and hold the first read-
ing of the proposed amendment to the zoning map found in Appendix A of the Code of Ordinances for the TDM/Canton Township
Rezoning as provided in the complete text of this ordinance available at the Clerk’s Office of the Charter Township of Canton,
1150 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, MI., 48188, during regular business hours. Motion carried by all members present. Motion
by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to table consideration of the amendment for a second reading on April 14, 2015. Motion
carried by all members present.
Item G-9. Consider Final Approval of the Planned Development Agreement and Approval
of the Preliminary Site Plan for Westbury Estates. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to approve the fol-
lowing resolution giving final approval of the PDD agreement and Preliminary Site Plan approval for Westbury Estates. Motion
carried by all members present.
Approval of the PDDAgreement and Preliminary Site Plan Approval for Westbury Estates WHEREAS,
the Project Sponsor
has requested final approval of the Planned Development and Preliminary Site plan approval for Westbury Estates, located south
of Joy Road and west of Beck Road on parcel nos. 017-99-0001-713 and 017-99-0001-723; and,
the Planning
Commission voted to recommend approval based on the findings that the proposed development agreement and site plan is con-
sistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan; and,
the Board has reviewed the planned develop-
ment and site plan and determines the proposal to be consistent with the Zoning Ordinance regulations and development objec-
tives subject to the conditions outlined in the Planning Commission recommendation and recommendations attached hereto and
made a part hereof.
the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton,
Michigan does hereby grant final approval of the PDD and preliminary site plan approval for Westbury Estates, subject to adding
two bollard lights at the intersection of the walking paths and the road, as it provides a naturalized forested park area in the south-
ern portion of the development, enhanced landscape plantings throughout the plan, creation of useable open space with pathways
and park amenities, provision of 40% open space, and upgraded building materials and architectural design for the proposed
Item G-10. Consider Approval of an Agreement with the Michigan Department of Transportation to Install a
Decorative Fence on the Future Pedestrian Pathway along Ford Road at I-275. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by
McLaughlin to approve the agreement with MDOT (Job No. 116524A, Contract 14-5625) and authorize the Township Supervisor
and Clerk to sign the agreement for the fence upgrade along the Ford Road pedestrian path at I-275. Motion carried by all mem-
bers present.
Item G-11. Consider Approval of a 2015 Budget Amendment for City View XML Web Services Extension
License for Integration with the Selectron IVR. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve a budget amend-
ment to pay for licensing, services and maintenance for the City View software to integrate with the Selectron software in an
amount of $8,260 by increasing revenues: transfer from fund balance Account #101- 000.621_0001 by $8,260; and by increasing
expenses: Capital Outlay Computers & Equipment Account #101-372.970_0010 by $8,260. Motion carried by all members pres-
ent. Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve a purchase order to MS-Govern for the CityView software upgrade for
a cost not-to-exceed $8,260. Motion carried by all members present.
Item G-12. Consider Approval of Dedication of a Portion
of the Right-of-Way on Denton Road, North of Proctor Road. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to author-
ize the Township Supervisor and Clerk to sign the quit claim deed for the transfer of the right-of-way parcel on Denton Road,
north of Proctor Road on behalf of Canton Township. Motion carried by all members present.
Item G-13. Authorize the
Purchase of (2) Park Utility Vehicles. (CLS)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to authorize the purchase of two (2)
Park Utility Vehicles at $8,500 per unit price for a purchase order total of $17,000 to be paid from Parks Capital Outlay Machinery
and Equipment Account 101-270-50.970_0030. Motion carried by all members present.
Item G-14. Consider Authorization of
Youth Sports Agreements. (CLS)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to authorize Youth Sports Agreements with the
Canton Victory Hockey Association, the Greater Canton Youth Baseball and Softball Association and Canton Lions Football Club
with each agreement being valid January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2017. Motion carried by all members present. Motion
by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to authorize Youth Sports Agreement with the Canton Soccer Club with the agreement being
valid one year beginning January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015. Motion carried by all members present.
Item G-15.
ConsiderAward for Cleaning HVAC Ductwork at Fire Stations 1, 2, & 3. (CLS)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin
to award the cleaning of the HVAC ductwork at Fire Stations 1, 2 & 3 to Dalton Environmental, P.O. Box 379, Whitmore Lake,
MI 48189 in the amount of $7,387 with funds to be paid from Account #206-336-50.930_0020, Fire - Maintenance & Repair
Buildings. Motion carried by all members present.
Item G-16. Consider approval of LiveDiscounts Contract. (CLS)
by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to approve the agreement with LiveDiscounts for the 2015 sale of golf certificates for
Pheasant Run Golf Club. Motion carried by all members present.
Item G-17. Approval of 2015 software Maintenance
Agreements. (FBD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to approve the software maintenance agreements to the fol-
lowing Vendors:
Work Orders, Service Requests
5/29/14 - 5/28/15
Geographic Information Systems
3/28/15 - 3/27/16
Van Belkum
NICE Recording System Server support
4/18/14 - 4/18/15
L3 Communications
Mobile-Vision Server Support
10/3/15 - 10/2/16
Motion carried by all members present.
Director Bilbrey-Honsowetz
commented the Easter Eggstravaganza is on Saturday March 28 from 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in Heritage Park. Clerk Bennett
commented the Easter Bunny Breakfast is sold out. Treasurer McLaughlin stated the Township Administration Building will be
closed on Friday April 3, 2015 in observance of the Good Friday Holiday
Motion by Bennett, supported by Anthony
to adjourn at 8:07 p.m. Motion carried by all members present.
______________Terry G. Bennett, Clerk
Copies of the complete text of the Board Minutes are available at the Clerk's office of the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S.
Canton Center Rd, Canton, MI 48188, 734-394-5120, during regular business hours and can also be accessed through our web site
after Board Approval. Publish: April 2, 2015
EC040215-1109 5 x 10.937
- W
Members of the Wayne City
Council, facing a $2 million
deficit budget next year, and an
unsolved current budget short-
fall, still want to be consulted
about their wages for serving as
elected officials.
A proposal from the Local
Commission to keep the current
pay rates in place was soundly
defeated by a vote of the council
members earlier this month.
Currently, city council members
are paid $2,850 and the mayor is
paid $3,192 annually.
During discussion of the for-
mal recommendation from the
commission members, council
members complained that they
had not been interviewed or
allowed any input into the deci-
sion of the commissionmembers.
Councilman John Rhaesa was
vocal in his objection to the deci-
sion of the citizens committee
complaining about the lack of
council input into the recommen-
dation. The seven member city
commission meets every other
year to consider the remunera-
tion of all city officials.
This year, the recommenda-
tion was for no change in the
annual pay. Rhaesa said that the
commission members should
have spoken to the council “to
see how to better equip the coun-
cil in the future.” Rhaesa said he
wasn't suggesting a pay raise, but
that the commission members
need to understand the scope of
the elected officials' work. He
suggested that the commission
needed to be made aware of all
the meetings he and others
attend and that the mayor often
pays the costs of attending meet-
ings in other communities.
Mayor JamesHawley said that
he felt it would be appropriate to
look at the qualifications of those
on the compensation commis-
sion. He said that the number of
events the elected officials are
expected to attend should be
considered and that while the
commission recommendation
mentioned the current budget,
the city doesn't yet have a budget
for next year.
Budget cuts and spending
reductions, including a reduction
in several city services, staff lay-
offs and the closing of the com-
munity center have been central
to city council discussions for
several months in an effort to
close the financial gap. Recently,
the city hired an outside consult-
ant to help analyze the budget
and help make the cuts neces-
sary to balance city spending
with reduced tax revenue.
Councilman David James said
that it costsmembers of the coun-
cil more than the annual stipend
to serve each year. James said he
wasn't looking for a raise, but that
more information was needed,
prompting his vote to reject the
commission recommendation.
Councilman Al Damitio agreed
and said that when he served on
the compensation commission
many years ago, the members
talked to council about the rec-
ommendation. Damitio, however,
cast the single no vote on the pro-
posal to reject the commission
City ClerkMatthewMiller said
that he was unsure of how to pro-
ceed as the council members are
asked only to vote to accept and
file the recommendation of the
commission. It requires a two-
thirds majority vote to reject any
pay rate recommended, which
occurred at themeeting.
They may have lost the game,
again, but they scored big for the
When the Wild Wings, led by
Westland Mayor William Wild,
took on the Detroit Red Wings
Alunmi team for the sixth annual
game, they suffered an 11-4
defeat. The event, however, gen-
erated nearly $30,000 for
improvements and repairs to the
Mike Modano Ice Arena where
the contest took place.
More than 1,000 people
crowded into the building to
watch the game and participate
in some of the contests and raf-
“Even though the Wild Wings
did not take home a victory this
year, the event is considered a
great success,” Wild said. “This
game is not only a great opportu-
nity to bring the community
together, but it also raises much
needed funds for improvements
to theMikeModano IceArena.”
The funding generated
includes a $10,000 contribution
by former Red Wing and
Westland resident Mike Modano
forwhomthe arena is named.
“We are honored to host the
Red Wings Alumni every year,”
Wild said. “Without all of you,
this gamewouldnot be possible.”
Alms House; in 1886 it was
referred to simply as the Wayne
County House. In 1913 there
were three divisions: The Eloise
Hospital (a mental hospital), the
Eloise Infirmary (poorhouse)
and the Eloise Sanitarium (a
tuberculosis hospital) which
were collectively called Eloise.
In 1945 it was named Wayne
County General Hospital and
Infirmary at Eloise, Michigan.
In 1974 it had two divisions -
the Wayne County General
Hospital and the Wayne County
Psychiatric Hospital. The psychi-
atric division closed in 1977 and
in 1979 it was officially called
Wayne County General Hospital.
At its prime, Eloise consisted of
78 buildings and 902 acres of
land. Now only ruins, sewer lids
withEloiseHospital engraved on
them, four of the 78 buildings and
the Eloise Cemetery remain on
the property, still owned by
Today the land that once was
Eloise has been developed into a
strip mall, a golf course, and con-
dominiums. There are only two
buildings currently in use. One is
“D” Building or the Kay Beard
Building. At one time this was an
administration building and it
was also used for psychiatric
admissions and apartments for
some employees like the
Catholic chaplain. The old com-
missary building is currently
being used as a family homeless
O'Keefe also reviewed county
parks and Department of Public
Service and Drain Commission
facilities. It did not issue a rec-
ommendation for the DPS and
Drain Commission facilities
“because they are functionally
necessary for the operations of
these departments.”
The report didn't analyze the
marketability of any of the parks
and has no conclusions with
respect to their use, future use,
disposition or otherwisewith two
exceptions - Warren Valley Golf
Course and Banquet Center in
Dearborn Heights and the
Inkster Valley Golf Course in
Inkster. The report stated that “a
determination should be made
on whether these should be pri-
vatizedby the county.”
Mayor James Hawley said that
he felt it would be appropriate to look
at the qualifications of those
on the compensation commission.
Council rejects no raise proposal from commission
Wings charity game
gets $30,000 for arena
1,2 4,5,6
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