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April 1 – 7, 2021                                       NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 13                                                                                    www

               THE BELLEVILLE          Social worker embedded with Canton police
                                          Hegira Health, Inc. is placing
               Vol. 136, No. 13        an embedded social worker with                           ”                                Growth Works, noting “We can-
                                                                                                                                 not alienate any program.”
            Belleville Police Chief    the Canton Police Department, a                 Our biggest concern is                       “If they (Growth Works) don't
          Dave    Robinson     who     one-year pilot program.                        that people get the care                   get it they don't get it.
          assumed the city manager        Members of the township                                                                Professionalism is an expecta-
          role as an interim position  board of trustees discussed the               they need in the moment.                    tion of any vendor we bring into
          may be offered the job full-  program during their March 23                                                            this community,” Baugh told
          time.                        meeting, with Canton Township                                                             Clerk Michael Siegrist.
                          See page 4.  Director of Public Safety Chad  don't qualify for court diversion.  ing referrals, said Baugh.  Siegrist explained he is in
                                       Baugh who explained that many    The Police Department         Jaime White of Hegira Health  recovery, and that his wife works
                                       calls to police involve mental  administration and Canton   said her agency has been around  as a social worker. He cast the
                  THE CANTON           health issues, including sub-  Finance Department inter-    some 40 years. It does mobile cri-  lone “No” vote on March 23
             EAGLE                     stance abuse.                 viewed Hegira Health, Growth  sis co-response with eight area  against proceeding with a
               Vol. 74, No. 13            “I see it more navigating this  Works, and STEP, recommend-  departments,   including  Hegira Health contract, as he
                                       world we live in,” Baugh said in  ing Hegira Health. The one-year  Plymouth Township and Inkster.  wanted to see details for the
            Last    week    Canton     response to a question from   program will cost $82,907 to be  The pilot program in Canton  other two bidders.
          Township firefighters began  Trustee Sommer Foster.        paid in monthly $6,908.92 install-  began last September, said  Canton Township Supervisor
          operating from the new $6.5     Proposals came from Hegira  ments.                       White. Hegira runs the 24/7   Anne Marie Graham-Hudak was
          million Fire Station No. 2,  Health, Growth Works, and        “They're (Hegira) ready to hit  Community Outreach for   in favor of the program.
          located on Warren Road, just  Services to Enhance Potential.  the ground running with mental  Psychiatric Emergencies from a  “The one-year pilot with
          west of Haggerty Road.       Baugh noted his department    health,” Baugh said.          Livonia facility.             Hegira Health is one of the steps
                          See page 4.  doesn't have a relationship with  He told Foster and other     “Our biggest concern is that  in building a stronger communi-
                                       the latter, but has worked for  board members the master's  people get the care they need in  ty and also a proactive move to
                                       years with Growth Works on the  degree program is important,  the moment,” White said.    reduce the non-criminal calls for
                THE INKSTER            youth diversion program.      and likely will be filled by a sin-  Several Canton trustees ques-  service on our police and other
          LEDGER STAR
          LEDGER STAR                     That keeps young people with  gle individual whose hours are  tioned possible conflict with  first responders. Police officers
               Vol. 74, No. 13         less serious offenses out of the  to be determined.         Growth Works over the diversion  respond to many calls in our
                                       criminal justice system, with    “We'll look at all the metrics,”  program and the new Hegira ini-
            Western Wayne Family       Baugh noting felony assaults  at the end of the contract, includ-  tiative. Baugh also praised      See Police, page 6
          Health Centers located in
          Inkster was recently award-
          ed federal funding to help   3 facing murder charges in 2017 shooting death
          respond to the COVID-19
          pandemic.                       Three men will face trial on
                          See page 4.  multiple charges in the death of
                                       27-year-old Egypt Covington
                  THE NORTHVILLE       who was killed in her Van Buren
             EAGLE                     Township home on June 22,
               Vol. 210, No. 13           Timothy Eugene Moore, 34,
                                       of Toledo, OH, Shandon Ray
            Voters in the City of
          Northville and Northville    Groom, 28, also of Toledo, OH,
          Township will be asked to    and Shane Lamar Evans, 31, of
          renew a non-homestead        Sumpter Township were bound
          operating millage on a May 4  over for trial last Thursday by
          ballot.                      34th District Court Judge Tina
                          See page 2.  Brooks Green.
                                          Moore is charged with one
                                       count each of first degree mur-
                  THE PLYMOUTH         der, felony murder, home inva-
             EAGLE                     sion first degree, and four
                                       counts of felony firearm. Groom
               Vol. 21, No. 13         was bound over on one count           Timothy Eugene Moore            Shandon Ray Groom             Shane Lamar Evans
            Beginning today, April 1,  each of first degree murder,  head. Her body was bound with  vocalist in the area, had    side of the duplex would have
          there will be specific 15-   felony murder, home invasion  holiday lights, investigators said.   declined to attend the festival as  the drugs while Moore, Groom,
          minute parking spaces in     first degree, and three counts of  According to court testimony,  she had just started at a new job.  and another person followed in
          downtown Plymouth to         felony firearm.               Covington's duplex neighbor   Investigators said the crime was  another vehicle.  Moore and
          accommodate local business-     Evans is charged with one  was a licensed caregiver who  timed by the suspects believing  Groom are accused of breaking
          es.                          count each of felony murder and  kept marijuana in the duplex.  that both the victim and the  into Ms. Covington's side of the
                          See page 6.  home invasion first degree.   The home had been burglarized  neighbor would be absent and  home while she was watching a
                                       Their arraignments will take  prior to Covington's murder and  the duplex vacant.         movie on TV.
                                       place today, April 1, in Third  marijuana had been stolen from  Evans, who occasionally did    The Van Buren Police
                   THE ROMULUS         Circuit Court.                the home at that time, officials  yard work at the home, told  Department had been investi-
             ROMAN                        Prosecutors allege that the  said.                       police that the three suspects  gating the murder prior to the

               Vol. 136, No. 13        three men were trying to rob the  The neighbor was not at   were together and wanted mari-  Michigan State Police investiga-
                                       victim's neighbor in the duplex  home at the time of Ms.    juana.                        tion which began in August 2020.
            Edward Martell, who        she rented on Hull Road in Van  Covington's death but was      Two of the three are brothers  Evans and Moore were
          served as a Romulus          Buren Township. Ms. Covington,  attending an annual music festi-  and the third is a cousin.    arrested last November and
          Community Schools Board of   a local singer, was found dead  val they usually attended togeth-  Evans told police he drove by  Groom was taken into custody in
          Education Trustee since      from a gunshot wound to the   er. Ms. Covington, a well-known  the home and pointed out which  December.
          2018, resigned effective
          Monday, March 22. See page 3. Ex-councilman rejects plea deal; city manager settles

                                          Criminal charges against for-  ing a false report of a felony,  denied the accusation that he  to court records, if he is unable
                                       mer Wayne City Councilman     conspiracy to commit false    paid Jimmie Lee Chandler, 29,  to pay the court costs.
                  THE WAYNE            Christopher Sanders will be   report of a felony and attempt-  of Van Buren Township, to    Nocerini claims she found
             EAGLE                     decided in a jury trial following  ed false report of a felony in  break into Nocerini's car on  the items the day after they
               Vol. 74, No. 13         his rejection of a plea deal from  connection wtih a 911 call con-  Oct. 16, 2017, plant a starter pis-  were placed in her car and
                                                                                                   tol and what appeared to be
                                                                                                                                 reported those findings to
                                                                     cerning a road rage incident on
                                       the Wayne County prosecutor.
            The    Wayne     Police       Sanders is charged with fil-  Oct. 17 of 2017. Through his  drugs inside. When Nocerini  police. Following an unsuccess-
          Department will soon offer the                             attorney, John Cahalan,       left the Wayne City Hall parking  ful investigation by law enforce-
          Hope Not Handcuffs program                                 Sanders  rejected both pro-   lot the same evening, Chandler  ment, Nocerini hired a private
          to those who struggle with a                               posed plea deals which offered  claims he called 911 to falsely  detective to pursue the matter.
          substance use disorder and                                 him two years of probation, no  report a road rage incident  That investigation led to
          want to find recovery.                                     jail time, and no personal or  describing Nocerini's car and  charges filed by Michigan State
                          See page 5.                                third-party contact with Wayne  claiming she was brandishing a  Police and the implication of
                                                                     City Manager Lisa Nocerini, the  weapon. According to police  Sanders by Chandler last year.
                                                                     alleged victim in the incident.   reports, there was no response  Nocerini sued Sanders,
                  THE WESTLAND                                          The rejected plea deals    to a call of that description at  Chandler and the City of
             EAGLE                                                   required Sanders, 52, to plead  that time although Chandler,  Wayne, where she is still

               Vol. 74, No. 13                                       guilty to conspiring in a false  arrested later on a separate  employed as the city manager,
                                                                                                   warrant, subsequently claimed
                                                                     felony report or pleading guilty
                                                                                                                                 and has reportedly accepted a
            The William P. Faust                                     to attempting a false felony  during a police interview that  settlement of less than $50,000
          Public Library in Westland                                 report along with one count of  Sanders paid him to plant the  for damages from the city insur-
          has a permanent new direc-                                 false report of a misdemeanor.   items in Nocerini's car and  ance carrier. The city was liable
          tor with the appointment of                                   Sanders refused both       make the calls.               for any damages awarded in
          Jennifer Roth by unanimous                                 options and has maintained his  In a plea deal, Chandler    Nocerini’s suit as well as legal
          vote of the library board                                  innocence of the charges since  received 18 months probation  fees for Sanders as he was a sit-
          members.                                                   the investigation began three  and court fees. He is eligible for  ting councilman at the time the
                          See page 5.            Christopher Sanders  years ago. He has steadfastly  community service, according  alleged incident occurred.

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