Art in the Park 2015 - page 12

Page 10
Raychel Rork, president of Art In The
Park, commented that she was more
than impressedwithPotvin'swork.
“I could not believe this was done
by someone her age,” Rork said. “The
work is so outstanding.”
Potvin's art is still a hobby and
something she has to squeeze in
between her summer jobs babysitting
and her sports practices. She attended
Stevenson Middle School and will
start and John Glenn High School in
She has been attempting to prepare
as many samples of her work as possi-
ble for the show and said she has a
wide variety of original work she plans
to bring.
“I'm bringing quite a few, I really
haven't counted to see howmany,” she
Potvin is so new to the world of
commercial art that she said she hasn't
yet decided onprices for herwork.
“I've been thinking and thinking
about that,” she said. “It will depend
on the size and the amount of work
that I put into the drawing.”
from page 9
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